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Yarrows Heritage Trust is dedicated to the promotion and research into the built and natural environment of the Yarrows area.   We co-ordinate and facilitate research, run events, and provide clear and interesting information to local people and the public at large.

Uncovering the Past Exhibition


Since 2002 YHT has worked with many universities and the local community in discovering our local past


During Spring time we have organised many fieldwalking excersises with local schools and community


We welcome all local people and visitors to volunteer and learn new skills along with learning our local history


We now have a large body of research work which students and local enthusiasts can use as a free resource

Yarrows through the ages

The Yarrows basin has evidence to have been home to people since the Mesolithic era, also known as the middle stone age, spanning as far back as 8000 BC these were hunter gatherers using flint tools to hunt, very little built evidence is left of this age. . The Bronze age 2000BC left Caithness unique monuments of stone rows one of which are at Yarrows. Into the Iron age 700BC  was the age of the brochs, great buildings still evident in our landscape today along with their cairns and standing stones leaving marks of their lives to be retold centuries into the future.


Nucleus , Wick 16th Oct til 1st Nov

Natural Heritage

The natural environment of Yarrows is  is one of great diversity, with a range of habitats, from small-scale mixed cultivation on the crofts, areas of  deep peat,  open moorland and coastal cliffs.  

The Trust have planted a small woodland and created a wildflower meadow and wildlife pond on their own property at Thrumster.

2.25 Scottish primula, Primula scotica.j


Since our formation in 2002, the Trust have carried out a wide range of projects, beginning with the Oliclett Mesolithic site, dating from up to 10,000 years ago, the era of the Hunter/Gatherers.. Since then, we have carried out numerous archaeological research projects , restored the l old railway station at Thrumster,  laid out new footpaths, planted some woodland, held  two prehistoric festivals, and hosted the 2019 Rhind lectures.  Most of our projects involve local school children. 

Pre historic festival

Yarrows Heritage Trust, Thrumster House, Thrumster,

Nr Wick, KW1 5TX

We have been fortunate to have received great support from both local and national funds

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