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The Yarrows archaeological landscape blends imperceptibly into that of the Warehouse plateau and Loch Watenan which lies to the south. The landscape of the Yarrows basin takes the form of a roughly saucer shaped area of land rising from the shores of The Loch of Yarrows to a ridge, that frames the Yarrows basin to the south and east. The ground rises more gradually to the west to a plateau that extends to the Hill of Warehouse and gradually falls away to the coast.

The Yarrows and Watenan areas are extremely rich archaeologically, with monuments and other archaeological sites dating from the later Mesolithic through to the Defence of Britain sites. The number, density and long chronology of these monuments is an archaeological phenomenon in itself, which invites explanation. They are so disposed and numerous as to make an archaeological trail an appropriate means of presenting the landscape to the public. The natural environment is also a key element of the landscape with some areas being sites of special scientific interest (S.S.S.I.s).

Over the last few years YHT has undertaken a number of projects to improve the condition of, and access to, the built and natural heritage.  YHT have been instrumental in developing heritage assets in and around Thrumster village.  We have recently completed the restoration of Thrumster railway station for use as an information and exhibition centre and created an adjacent community garden and woodland for use as an .

Why not join us

We are a group of enthusiasts trying to bring together an archive of the history and heritage of the area and we seek assistance from people (volunteers) willing to contribute their knowledge and time in the research of the area's history and to engage in the development of pathways, woodlands and links to the areas rich heritage.

You can contact us in person, by phone or email; see our contact us page for details.

Yarrows Heritage Trust is a registered Scottish charity number SC033188

About Us

Yarrows Heritage Trust, Thrumster House, Thrumster,

Nr Wick, KW1 5TX

We have been fortunate to have received great support from both local and national funds

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